Saturday, March 3, 2012

What is Reality? Why do I act the way I do?

A little bit of clarity on following questions after a while with minimal set of variables

What is reality for me? How does it affect my actions? What is reality for others?

Reality for me is a mind experience created by six factors
1. Inputs received at that moment on my five senses of vision, hearing, touch, taste and smell
2. My memory - A collective of my stored experiences, my attitudes and beliefs of what is right/wrong, good / bad (in line with survival and out of line of survival needs) for me.

Together these seven creates an emotional & dynamic experience for me every moment of life.

This also means, in the same environment (sensory inputs), two individuals can experience radically different experietial reality as the sixth factor is uniquely individual and developed over the life time of an individual.

Why I do what I do every moment of my life, every day, week & year?

There are two factors that determine my actions all the time
1. The momentum! -
The momentum is the biggest single factor that dictates what I do most of the time. Momentum is simply the way I have lived my life or I do things or I have decided to do things earlier in time).

I keep doing things that I do or I have decided to do earlier unless there is a force (Experiential reality) that makes me change the direction of the ongoing momentum.

2. My experiential reality (discussed above) is a moderating factor to momentum and helps me take minor decision or deviations in line with survival needs. A drastic change in experiential reality than what was expected can also make me change the direction that momentum dictates at most the times.

Example - I go to office every day at almost a decided time, dictated by the momentum. But an experiential reality of my child being sick can change the momentum a little bit or if the experiential reality is that child is very sick and needs to be hospitalised can drastically change the momentum or create a different short term/long term momentum of actions.

Q2 - How does collective reality and momentum shape the world?

1. The collective momentum is order of magnitude larger force than individual momentum that shape the destiny of the world most of times. It generally needs order of magnitude bigger shocks or changes to change these ongoing momentums.

2. Individual experiential realities most of the time can only create blips on the long term momentum waves and at times if there is a large collective experiential wave, it can also change the collective social momentum.

- The explorer

1 comment:

  1. So In essence experiencing boils down to the response of the senses to an individual's conditioning. It brings us to a very important truth that mind in general does not have an ability to experience anything absolutely. Take a very simple example of taste. An individual's sense of sweet taste is relative to the stored experience of sweetness in mind. For e.g. today Shreyas was happily drinking milk which was sweet enough for him. In between I gave him medicine which was sweeter and then milk's sweetness was not good enough. This is a simple truth with how we experience everything. It is relative to some measure which is stored or conditioned. It is this inability to experience anything either physical or abstract completely that cause a lot of confusion and strife. So our experiences become just an input /output event which leave its residue behind because of its incompleteness. And since our actions are just projections of our experiences they also leave us a feeling of imperfection or lack. So the real question is can the mind experience anything completely? is there anything by itself not with respect to other. Maybe it can lead to experiencing reality and the resulting action to freedom.
