Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Making sense of my Reality

When I sleep -- Senses are sleeping, body functions are running but something is awake. Breath comes in and goes out at its command.

Eyes are sleeping but “It” sees, ears are sleeping, but “It” listens. Body is sleeping but “It feels” touches, feels pain and pleasure.  Tongue and nose are sleeping but it tastes and smells. The experience is as close to the one when these are awake.

Then it creates and realizes that I am the creator of “This”,  location is my creation, matter is my creation, feelings are my creation, actions are my creation. I take so many shapes and I now realize that there is no one but “Me”. There is no one but “Me”.  I create, I multiple and I play with my creation as if it is different. I go through pleasure and pain in this play by measurement to “I”.
When I am awake -- “It” still creates “This” but bases some (not all)  of “Its” creations on the images from “That”.  

I know not what is “That” I live in,  “This”  that is my creation, I only get shadow of that from my five gates, I mix it with my memory of past and my imagination and still create “This” and live in that as if it is “That”. 

There are beings who also live in “This” of there own creation.   My “This” and Their “This”  is all there to this human world.

Who knows what is “That”,  who can know what is “That” ,  it is beyond known and beyond unknown. I only live in “This” and my boundaries end here.

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